
Invertland Winner of Science Reporter Story Contest Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. For every plus there is a minus. For every happiness, there is an attending sorrow. For every word there’s the antonym. And for this world we live in there is the… He stared at the words he had jotted in …


Transformation Sci Fi story published in Science Reporter “And now we come to the most peculiar part of the twenty first century metropolitan human beings – the heart,” professor smiled as he zoomed on his favourite topic. suruchi.stu adjusted the knob in her head gear to get a clearer sound.  She also fine-tuned the …


(in)Complete Amina sat by the small fire she had built outside the barracks she was staying at. She took out her diary and started writing the day’s journal. It was a habit with her, documenting what she experienced, every day. She did not want to forget anything she saw. On her dull days, she read …